Carson Memorial Baptist Church is blessed to partner with missionaries at home and abroad to spread the Gospel, and thus fulfill “go ye therefore.” We believe that missions is the heartbeat of the church, and our church ministry is extended through the monthly support of God's servants, in obedience to His command.

 Our Missionaries


Richard & Laura Badgett – South Africa (BIMI)           

Michael & Tina Rains – Nairobi, Kenya (BWM)

Matthew and Susannah Schrock- Ivory Coast (BWM)

Nathan and Hannah Schrock- Ivory Coast (BWM)


 Asia and Pacific Islands

James & Rosie Miyashita—Japan (Vision)

Pat & Wanda Melton – Japan (BWN)

Jim & Sandy Roberts  - India (Vision)


   Caribbean Islands

Arlene Cornelius – Harbour Light Radio – Grenada (ARMS)                                    

  Randy & Sharlene Cornelius – Harbour Light Radio, Grenada (ARMS)

Robert & Pat Mathena - Grenada (WWNTBM)

Gary & Joy Sprunger – Caribbean Director  (BIMI)

Bobbie Turner – Cayman Islands (BIMI)



Mike & Sarah Frueh - Hungary (BWM)

Frank & Jennie Maietta – Italy (BWM)

Brady & Sarah Van Winkle - Turkey  (Vision)


  South America

Shawn & Emily Bateman  - Argentina (Vision)

Leland & Naomi Johnson - West Indies Field Director  (MWBM)

Miguel & Mariangela Sanabria— Columbia (Vision)            

Matt & Naomi Shields – Aruba (FBC)

Rusty & Lynn Turner – Costa Rica (GFMA)

George & Maxine Wells—Brazil (BMM)


   North America

Tom & Sharon Allred – Lexington, NC  (BIMI)

Les & Bonnie Frazier – International Representative (BIMI)

J.B. & Linda Godfrey –Executive Director (BIMI)

Scott and Shelley Krystowiak  - Global Educational Ministries (Open Door)

Roland & Vera Mitchum – Canada (BWM) 

Chip & Angi Stowe -Director  (FBHMI)

Richard & Nancy Teachout – Retired Missionary (BMM)

The Wilds Camp Abroad- Rosmond, NC

Mission Boards:

BIMI (Baptist International Mission Inc.)
BWM (Baptist World Mission)
WWNTBM (World Wide New Testament Baptist Missions)
Vison (Vision Baptist)
BMM (Baptist Mid-Missions)
ARMS (Aviation Radio Missionary Service)
FBC (First Baptist Church)
GFMA (Global Faith Mission Agency)
Open Door (Open Door Baptist Missions)
FBHMI (Fundamental Baptist Home Missions, Inc.)
MWBM (Macedonia World Baptist Mission)